Hidden Jazz Quartett – Remix EP

One song, four pretty different treatments – thats what remixes are for. Radio Citizen, Souleance, Serwo Schamutzki & Kosta Aldente and Renegades Of Jazz made their very own version of the original Wälzer.

some feedback so far:

Kevin Beadle: “great set of remixes”
Borja (Lovemonk).: “Brilliant release! Loving all remixes. What a brilliant workout on the original to take it to a next level!! Dope.
John Warr: “itʼs the Jazz that counts and Radio Citizenʼs mix lets it shine through. Excellent!”
Dom Servini: “heavy set of remixes with Souleanceʼs effort just shading it for me.”
DJ Asparagus: “mix 2 and 3 fit the profile for a banginʼ Raw Fusion night. Will support this for shure !”
Clairvo: “the most useful release of recent times. Each track has its own different place during a night. Lovely !”
